Le fauteuil Throne Lounge Chair de De La Espada marie tradition et modernité, rappelant les influences Art Déco d'Autoban. Throne Lounge fait partie d'une famille de meubles qui comprend une chaise de salle à manger, un tabouret de bar et un canapé, disponible avec un dossier en rotin ou rembourré.
noyer danois huilé / sonar 153
l 66,5 x p 67 x h 81,5 cm, assise h 42 cm
noyer danois huilé, revêtement assise et dossier tissu
De La Espada is a producer based in Portugal that showcases avant-garde design while also promoting craftsmanship. The collection largely consists of products made from solid wood by skilled craftsmen combining cutting-edge technology and traditional manufacturing techniques to ensure that every piece is either unique or produced on a small-scale. De la Espada produces light fittings such as the Tulip collection designed by Autoban, as well as furniture for living rooms and bedrooms, demonstrated by the Booklamp table.