Produced by Kartell and now available on the SILVERA-eshop, talented Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka presented his new collection, Invisible, at the 2012 Milan Furniture Fair. The designer created the Invisible Table in an avant-garde style: a square, one-piece top weighing over 20kg, made using a one-piece mould in dimensions never before tested. Featuring a revolutionary, futuristic design and simple silhouette, this coffee table is extremely versatile and eye-catching thanks to its dimensions, weight and stability. High technology used highlights the contrast between the lightness of the material and refined shapes, both solid and square. The product's "invisibility" uproots its physical presence, making it almost immaterial. Available in crystal and smoked versions, Invisible Table looks great in dining rooms and living rooms. Kartell successfully injects life into very technically complex yet minimal-looking furniture.
In 1949, Giulio Castelli founded the Italian company Kartell, which specialises in the manufacture of plastic goods. In 1963, he married architect Anna Castelli Ferrieri, who also became his collaborator. The Kartell collection is extensive, attractive and easy to use. Colour, play on meaning, transparency and unique shapes create unrivalled objects. Kartell soon became the symbol of "Made in Italy" design and offers a product catalogue composed of furniture, decorative accessories and lighting. They represent the icon of contemporary design. Kartell enjoyed global success thanks to its involvement in research and innovation, by using efficient production systems and increasingly modern technologies.