Pinocchio takes its name from a Danish delicacy: 'Pinocchio kugler', which are small, brightly coloured, sugar-coated licorice balls. This round carpet, produced by Hay, recalls them in its pattern, which will make you smile with its bright and invigorating colours. Made in Nepal, each ball is handmade and then strung on a thread like a bead necklace. Original, graphic and cheerful, Pinocchio is a riot of multicoloured confetti that brightens up the room while providing the comfort and exceptional softness of wool.
Hay was founded in 2002 to promote Danish design. Rather than sticking closely to the style of the country's former masters of design, Hay reinvents their work in a more contemporary context. The brand revisits the classical forms of Nordic design in a more contemporary context. Hay boasts user-friendly, aesthetic and functional designs. It draws from three main sources of inspiration: art, architecture and fashion. The producer pays particular attention to its environment and is inspired by contemporary culture.