Le repose-pied en cuir Joe Ball a été créé à l'occasion du cinquantième anniversaire du célèbre fauteuil Joe, dessiné par le Studio De Pas, D'Urbino et Lomazzi et édité par Poltronova. La forme et les coutures typiques de Joe Ball rappellent celles d'une balle de baseball. Le pouf Joe Ball complète naturellement le fauteuil Joe.Il est doté d’un poids à l'intérieur qui le rend stable comme un siège. Le cuir utilisé pour créer le pouf repose pied Joe Ball porte les marques caractéristiques du Centro Studi Poltronova.
Poltronova is a renowned company that has significantly shaped the history of design. Founded in 1957 by Sergio Cammilli, it was the first to include both prominent Italian design names such as Gae Aulenti, Giovanni Michelucci, Angelo Mangiarotti, and Paolo Portoghesi, as well as representatives of the New Design movement, known as the Radicals, including the groups Archizoom and Superstudio. This multidimensional approach reflected the diversity and boldness of Italian design at the time. Ettore Sottsass Jr. played a pivotal role in Poltronova's history by becoming its artistic director in 1958.