Created by renowned designer Philippe Starck, Romeo Moon is a pendant light which provides diffused light. It has an internal diffuser in borosilicate glass and an external shade in transparent moulded glass. Romeo Moon is suspended using steel cables. It has a transparent, anti-dust polycarbonate shield, a white moulded ABS rose, and a steel-moulded ceiling mount. Alongside manufacturer Flos, Philippe Starck experiments with the properties of glass to create this pendant light which creates beautiful lighting effects when hung in your dining room or above your coffee table.
Born in Paris in 1949, Philippe Starck is one of today's most original and prolific designers. Philippe Starck has become a hallowed figure of international design. A self-proclaimed "autodidact" after a spell at the Camondo school, he was already a company director even before he came of age. An inspired Jack-of-all-trades, he has no hesitation in revisiting the styles and icons of the past. While he regularly works in the world of luxury, he is also credited with democratising design. He has worked extensively with a wide range of industrial partners, particularly furniture manufacturers such as Cassina, Driade and Kartell. The Mademoiselle bridge combines an airy polycarbonate structure with a comfortable seat in polyurethane upholstered in fabrics emblematic of various Italian designers (Missoni, D&G and Valentino). He won major prizes such as the Grand Prix National de la Création industrielle and the Honor Award from the American Institute of Architects. Philippe Starck describes himself as "a Japanese architect, an American set designer, a German industrial designer, a French art director and an Italian furniture designer". He also works with lighting and tableware manufacturers such as Baccarat and Flos on the KTribe collection.
Founded in 1962 in Merano, Italy, Flos is an international company offering a range of lighting fixtures and systems for the residential and architectural sector. In 1968, Flos opened the doors of its first shop. Today, Flos is one of Italy's best-known manufacturers. The Flos lighting brand designs and manufactures lighting within a modern vision. Italian brand Flos acts as a benchmark for high quality lighting solutions, functional and innovative lighting, and excellent design. Flos boasts a catalogue enriched with iconic products.