Produced by Zanotta, Sella is a unique stool created by renowned designers Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni in 1957. A 'Readymade' design inspired by Marcel Duchamp, the seat of the stool is a black bicycle saddle, fixed onto a pink steel stem. The half-sphere base is made of cast iron. A true design icon, Sella is featured in a number of museum collections around the world.
Italian designers and brothers Pier Giacomo and Achille Castiglioni both studied architecture at Milan Polytechnic. The first graduated in 1937, and Achille, the last of the family, also graduated in 1944. He then joined his two older brothers in their design studio in Milan and, together, they developed design projects for Italian companies looking to revive their country's post-war economy. Their work stands out for its particular conception of products through a logical analysis of the functions that the object must fulfil and the means to achieve this. The design, which is very pure, comes next to enable the object to perform its functions. Between 1950 and 1960, the Castiglioni brothers designed a number of products for major brands such as Flos, which produced the Arco floor lamp, a design classic, and Zanotta, for which they created the famous Mezzadro stool with a tractor saddle. The death of Pier Giacomo in 1968 put an end to the collaborations. After the death of his brother, Achille continued to design but devoted most of his time to teaching design, first in Turin and then in Milan.
Founded in 1954, Zanotta is a leader in contemporary Italian furniture. Zanotta designer furniture is known for its ability to combine cutting-edge technology and design to create diverse collections. An impeccable finish, a sharp selection of materials and exemplary quality form the foundations of its international reputation. A number of collaborations enabled Zanotta to create products that went on to become design classics, such as the Mezzadro stool by the Castiglioni brothers and the Lama armchair designed by couple Ludovica and Roberto Palomba. Each piece by the Zanotta brand exudes unique energy and brings a touch of humour and poetic charm to your interior.