Une base simple, légèrement bombée et sculpturale et un plateau circulaire lisse sont les seuls éléments qui composent les intemporelles tables Dunes, éditée par Tribu. Le teck de plantation massif ajoute une qualité naturelle et chaleureuse à la petite table basse Dunes aussi pratique que ravissante, qui s'intègre facilement dans son environnement extérieur.
For Tribu, "Design is a way of designing life, politics, eroticism, food, and even design itself..." This philosophy defines the brand and characterizes its creations. In the early 1990s, Tribu was the first brand to view the terrace and garden as an extension of the home. With years of experience, this family-owned company has now become an internationally renowned brand. Tribu distributes its designer outdoor furniture in over 60 countries and is part of the elite in the industry. Discreet luxury, innovation, sustainable quality, and seating comfort are the key values that define Tribu, making it a major player in the world of outdoor furniture.