La table iconique Rock de Jean Marie Massaud, avec sa silhouette fluide et élégante, révèle complètement la nature de ce qu'elle représente: «une table ronde» qui semble flotter au-dessus d'un socle solide et inorganique. Un mélange de matériaux naturels et industriels qui sont mélangés pour créer un nouveau produit avec un design lisse, suivant la même philosophie de la collection Flow.
Un objet solide raffiné, léger et stable, radical autant que sensuel. Le style unique de Rock Table, basé sur des formes simplifiées, est combiné à des systèmes de production innovants, ce qui rend les tables MDF Italia adaptées non seulement aux salons modernes, mais également aux conceptions de salon et aux contextes de travail, tels que les bureaux, les salles de réunion, les salles de conférence avec une identité forte.
Born in Toulouse, Jean-Marie Massaud graduated from ENSCI in 1990. From his earliest creations, the designer has worked in a quest for synthesis, reduction and lightness. It covers the different aspects of design, from furniture to industrial products and equipment. In 2000, he created Studio Massaud and extended his activities to architecture and development strategy. He works with clients as varied as B&B Italia, Poliform and MDF, as well as brands such as Lancôme and Renault. Placing people and their natural environment at the heart of his creations, this inventor with no limits adopts a committed and political approach and strives to make each project a life experience and an economic scenario that reconciles desire and responsibility. In the world of furniture, Jean-Marie Massaud collaborated with MDF to create the Flow seating collection. He is also working with the Emu brand on the Heaven collection of outdoor furniture.
MDF Italia is a company based in Milan who manufactures furniture and furnishings distributed worldwide.
Designer furniture brand MDF Italia has forged a strong and unique identity by investing in research and development enabling it to produce functional, understated, simple and efficient furniture. MDF Italia's design strategy is the end result of a permanent balance between research, development, and a business model that is lucrative in more ways than one. MDF Italia's strength for subtle details and its desire to avoid invading interiors with imposing furniture mean its products adapt to all worlds.