Following the success of his Puppy dog, Eero Aarnio has created a new small piece of furniture for children for Magis. Trioli is a three-in-one design object: a rocking 'horse', a high seat or a low chair! Made of polyethylene, this accessory for children is light and easy to move and turn over using its handle. Designed for everyday use, Trioli provides stability and allows your child to play safely. It can be used indoors and outdoors and comes in several bright colours that your children will love. They won't want to leave it!
In 1976, Italian brand Magis began working on innovative projects from a technological and creative point of view. Magis is considered a true "design laboratory" thanks to its in-depth experiments. The brand has collaborated with some of the best-known names in design, such as Ron Arad, Konstantin Grcic and the infamous Chair One, as well as the Bouroullec brothers. The "Magis Style" creates an impression, whether in the form of small office accessories or outdoor furniture. In 2000, Jasper Morrison achieved a technological feat with his "Air Chair", the world's first single-hull, air-moulded chair. Magis considers itself a creative think tank for quality design.