Designed by Alex Hellum and produced by SCP, Ulrik Stool is made of ash wood and has beautifully executed woodwork detailing that enables the seat to be built from two separate components. Such detailing balances the stool and provides comfortable seating. Ulrik Stool's original shape means causes its appearance to change considerably depending on the angle from which it is viewed.
SCP was founded in 1985 by Sheridan Coakley and manufactures functional, aesthetic and durable designer furniture and accessories. The brand first exhibited at the Furniture Fair in Milan in 1986 and featured pieces by Matthew Hilton and Jasper Morrison. SCP then became a pioneer in the UK furniture industry. The brand has since collaborated with hugely talented designers including Konstantin Grcic and Tom Dixon. In particular, duo Kay + Stemmer has produced a series of storage and shelves such as the must-have Agnès and the Cedric desk.