Architect and designer Frank Gehry is renowned for his use of unusual materials that undergo radical transformations. By creating the "Easy Edges" furniture series, he has given a new aesthetic dimension to a material as mundane as cardboard. Produced by Vitra, Wiggle Chair may appear to exude simplicity, but in reality it has been designed with great amount of attention to detail. This chair is extremely sturdy, stable and comfortable.
Born in 1929 in Toronto, Canada, Frank Gehry studied architecture at the University of Southern California and then urban planning at Harvard University's Graduate School of Design. In 1962, he founded the architectural firm Frank Gehry & Associates in Los Angeles. From 1969 to 1972 he designed the "Easy Edges" series of cardboard furniture, and in 1974 he was a lecturer at Yale University and Harvard University. Frank Gehry has been awarded honorary doctorates 13 times, including by the University of Toronto, the University of Southern California, Yale, Harvard and the University of Edinburgh. He is also the Charlotte Davenport Professor of Architecture at Yale, where he teaches to this day. It was during these experiences that he developed his highly contrasting imagination, marked by the influence of artists, visual artists and writers, making him an exceptional architect, urban planner and designer. He works mainly with Vitra (Wiggle Side Chair). His distinctive style stems from a personality free of all constraints: "I was a committed liberal and I loved art. These two things made me an architect". He is also the creator of the Pito kettle produced by Alessi, which has become one of the icons of the Italian brand.
Vitra was founded in 1950 by Willi Fehlbaum. Designer furniture company Vitra is located near Basel, Switzerland. Vitra grew in 1981 and launched a number of subsidiaries around the world. Vitra’s mission is to develop healthy, intelligent and sustainable solutions for communities and housing. Vitra’s technical know-how is combined with the creativity of renowned designers such as Alexander Girard, Charles & Ray Eames who designed some the greatest classics of the 20th century, Verner Panton, and the Bouroullec brothers. Vitra pieces are created by designers from around the world.