Produced by Overgaard & Dyrman, Wire is a furniture collection that draws its inspiration from traditional horse saddle making and metalworking, and explores the contrasts between these two high quality materials. The Wire coffee table has a steel frame, available in satin chrome or black epoxy finish, and a solid oak or oiled solid walnut top. This small table, visually light, is perfect to accompany the armchair and the sofa of the same collection. The Wire collection is manufactured in Denmark by skilled and dedicated craftsmen, who master remarkable craftsmanship in all stages of production.
Overgaard & Dyrman is a Danish-based manufacturer of contemporary furniture.Overgaard and Dyrman is defined by a design approach that creates a bridge between the past and present. Dedicated to creating quality pieces, Overgaard & Dyrman fine-tune every component to create products that showcase manufacturing details rather than hiding them. The Wire Collection, featuring the Wire Chair, Wire Sofa and Wire Bar Stool, sums up Overgaard & Dyrman's philosophy perfectly: superior craftsmanship, high-quality materials and characteristic design.