Created by Inga Sempé for Moustache, Balcony is a collection of small shelves that give depth to the wall. These small beech discs are fixed like hooks to display your favourite objects on the bedroom wall. They can also be used to create an original composition on a wall or to serve as a sundries tray in the entrance hall. Balcony is available in three models: a single disc, sold in pairs or threes; a sundries tray; and a shelf combined with a mirror.
Born in Paris, Inga Sempé graduated from Ensci (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle) in 1993. In 2000, she became a resident at the Villa Medicis (Académie de France) in Rome. Inga Sempé started out as a freelance designer, working in the early years with Italian brands such as Cappellini and Edra, before moving on to projects with French, American and Scandinavian companies such as Luce Plan, Moustache (with its famous Vapeur luminaires) and Baccarat. She designs furniture and small everyday objects, and seems to have a particular interest in lighting, with the PO 0202 floor lamp in particular. An exhibition devoted to him was held at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris in 2003.
A producer of unusual, bold and innovative furniture, Moustache was founded by Stéphane Arriuberge and Massimiliano Iorio.
The Moustache collection explores new avenues of production and consumption. It brings a humorous touch to all household furniture, both in terms of the product names and their forms. Particularly memorable in this sense are the Micro coat hooks for kids' rooms designed by design trio Big-Game, which give a nod to journalists' microphones, as well as the Vapeur pendant and table lamps designed by Inga Sempé.