Released by Sammode Studio, Kyhn is a majestic yet delicate pendulum light that provides a 360-degree lighting ambience. It offers a pleasant enveloping light for an intimate and warm atmosphere. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use, it adapts to your space whether it is suspended above your dining table or mounted under your pergola. The Kyhn light is delivered ready for installation and is equipped with cable, source and wall outlet. All Sammode Studio lights are manufactured, assembled and packaged in their factory in Châtillon-sur-Saône in the Vosges, France.
Founded in 1927 in Châtillon-sur-Saône, in the Vosges region of France, Sammode is a family-owned industrial company that designs lighting solutions for industry and architecture which have become referential in its field. Sammode Studio collections feature product lines boasting original and authentic design, created for domestic purposes: from apartments and villas to shops, offices, hotels and restaurants. Sammode regularly collaborates with architects, designers and artists to reinterpret its emblematic lighting fixtures.