Created by designer Marcel Wanders and produced by Magis, Little Flare is a small table for children. The transparent polycarbonate legs can be customised by simply sliding a rolled design onto them. Little Flare enables children to express their creativity on an easy-clean table. The top is made of polymer-coated MDF, available in three versions: plain white, "salad motif", and "circle motif". Four small pen holders fit into the corners of the table-top and enable you to gather up all the drawing and painting accessories. Little Flare provides your children with a unique desk that they can customise themselves.
l 100cm x D 75cm x H 54cm
clear polycarbonate feet, ABS pen holder, Polymer coated MDF top
Born in the Netherlands in 1963, Marcel Wanders obtained his art degree from the Arnhem School of Art in 1988. He worked for two years in one of the leading Dutch design studios, and in 1992 became one of the four partners of WAAC's Design&Consultancies, rapidly becoming one of the most recognised studios in the Netherlands. Marcel Wandersfounded Moooi in 2001 with Casper Vissers, whose designs are renowned for their originality and fun. The company has grown and collaborated with well-known designers such as Maarten Baas, Ross Lovegrove and Studio Job. The brand's creations can be found in many museums around the world, including MoMA in New York and the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. Marcel Wanders creates furniture and decorative objects for some of the world's leading brands, including B&B Italia, Cappellini, Poliform, Magis (Cyborg armchair) and Baccarat, with its exceptional decanters and candleholders. Marcel Wanders is also called upon for architectural and interior design projects such as the Mondrian South Beach Hotel in Miami, and his collaboration with the Hyatt Hotels Corporation. Among his many awards, he received the prestigious Design Excellence Award for his significant contribution to the field of design in 2009.
In 1976, Italian brand Magis began working on innovative projects from a technological and creative point of view. Magis is considered a true "design laboratory" thanks to its in-depth experiments. The brand has collaborated with some of the best-known names in design, such as Ron Arad, Konstantin Grcic and the infamous Chair One, as well as the Bouroullec brothers. The "Magis Style" creates an impression, whether in the form of small office accessories or outdoor furniture. In 2000, Jasper Morrison achieved a technological feat with his "Air Chair", the world's first single-hull, air-moulded chair. Magis considers itself a creative think tank for quality design.