Designed by designer Naoto Fukasawa, renowned for his minimalist and emotion-fuelled creations, the Log collection is produced by Swedese. Acting both as a bench and magazine rack, Log Bench is made of veneered oak, supported by black-stained solid wood legs. The hollow log shape of the Log Bench evokes nature in all its purity. This multifunctional bench provides extra seating and storage while bringing with it a touch of nature and simplicity, decorating your home with its elliptical shape.
Born in 1956 in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, Naoto Fukasawa studied art and 3D design at Tama Art University in Tokyo. Until 1988, he worked as a designer at Seiko-Epson, then at ID-two in San Francisco. Returning to Japan in 1996, he established IDEO, before founding his own agency, Naoto Fukasawa Design, in Tokyo in 2003. Since 2001, when he was also a consultant at MUJI, he has been working on household products and electronic appliances. He created the Plusminuszero (±0) brand (whose fan is available on the eshop) to market household objects. Naoto Fukasawa works for various companies in Europe and Japanese industries specialising in leisure electronics. In collaboration with Jasper Morrison, he created the sensational "Super Normal" exhibition. He works with major international furniture and accessories brands such as Vitra (Chaise Chair, Kuubo Tables), Magis with the Déjà Vu mirror, and Swedese with the LOG storage systems.
Swedese, founded in 1945 by Yngve Ekström, his brother Jerker, and Bertil Sjöqvist, embodies the ideals of modern Scandinavian design. The brand creates furniture that is both beautiful and functional, drawing on timeless architectural traditions. Its most famous piece, the Lamino armchair, was named the best Swedish design of the 20th century in 1999. Today, Swedese is led by Anna Johansson and Julio Patino, continuing to produce its creations in its factories in Sweden, staying true to its heritage of quality and innovation.