Ultrafragola est un miroir lumineux conçu par le designer italien Ettore Sottsass en 1970 pour Poltronova. Le design sinueux du cadre du miroir Ultrafragola s'inspire des ondulations d'une chevelure féminine.
Ultrafragola fait partie de la collection Mobili Grigi, un ensemble de meubles pour la chambre à coucher et le salon conçus par le designer Ettore Sottsass pour Poltronova. Cette collection qu’intègre le miroir lumineux Ultrafragola, a été présentée lors de la troisième édition d'Eurodomus en 1970. Ultrafragola, dont le nom est tiré de sa teinte rouge rosée comme une fraise, est la seule pièce de la collection à avoir été produite en masse.
Le miroir Ultrafragola, comme les autres meubles de la même collection, reflète la vision poétique et conceptuelle d'Ettore Sottsass pour qui la lumière joue un rôle central dans l'expérience esthétique et émotionnelle offerte par le design. Ultrafragola reprend tous les codes esthétiques d’un miroir combinés à ceux d’une lampe, afin de rendre matérielle la lumière qui en émane, et transformer « les nuits en matière » dit le créateur Ettore Sottsass, à la manière des lumières japonaises.
Le miroir Ultrafragola convient parfaitement à la décoration de chambres ou de salons, et valorise aussi bien les ambiances classiques que les atmosphères modernes, en les ponctuant toutes d’une touche vintage.
Born in Innsbruck, Austria, in 1917, he studied architecture at the Turin Polytechnic, graduating in 1939. Ettore Sottsass is considered to be one of the most influential designers of the 20th century. He began his career as an architect in his father's firm, and together they set about rebuilding their country after the war. Generally building only social housing, Ettore Sottsass turned to design, failing to realise his ambitions in architecture, and decided to open his own agency in Milan in 1947. A master of colour and lighting effects, he combines architecture and design. During his career, Sottsass collaborated with many designers, including George Nelson in New York and Olivetti in Italy. He creates furniture and lighting for Artemide and table accessories for Alessi. With the Callimaco floor lamp, Ettore Sottsass created one of the great classics of design.
Poltronova is a renowned company that has significantly shaped the history of design. Founded in 1957 by Sergio Cammilli, it was the first to include both prominent Italian design names such as Gae Aulenti, Giovanni Michelucci, Angelo Mangiarotti, and Paolo Portoghesi, as well as representatives of the New Design movement, known as the Radicals, including the groups Archizoom and Superstudio. This multidimensional approach reflected the diversity and boldness of Italian design at the time. Ettore Sottsass Jr. played a pivotal role in Poltronova's history by becoming its artistic director in 1958.