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Coffee Table
DORIC 140x80 Travertin blanc neutre
€2,799.20 €3,499.00
€2,332.66 HT
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Les tables basses Doric créées par le duo GamFratesi s'inspirent des colonnes doriques de la Grèce et de la Rome antiques. Avec leur profil incurvé vers l'intérieur, les pieds des tables Doric, montrent une légèreté et une modernité de forme, soulignant le niveau d'artisanat dont bénéficie chaque table basse.
Editée par Gubi, la table basse Doric est disponible en deux tailles et deux types de pierre naturelle, chacune avec sa propre couleur distinctive. La première version est un blanc neutre magnifiquement nuancé ; tandis que la deuxième est un calcaire gris électrique vif, qui possède un motif plus dramatique. Chaque pièce produite dans ces pierres est unique, inscrivant l'histoire ancienne de la Terre dans sa surface.
The GamFratesi studio was founded in 2006 by Danish architect Stine Gam and Italian architect Enrico Fratesi. GamFratesi is part of the latest generation of furniture designers, and together they represent a new interpretation of Danish and international design. GamFratesi's designs draw their creative impetus from the fusion of tradition and renewal, as well as from an experimental approach to materials and techniques. With their respective cultures, they draw their inspiration from Danish furniture and Scandinavian craft traditions, but also from Italy's timeless conceptual and intellectual approach. Thanks to this multi-cultural partnership, GamFratesi creates furniture pieces that reflect tradition while presenting unique stories, symbols and associations, often expressed in a minimalist style. The GamFratesi duo works with some of the biggest names in design, including Gubi, with the Bat collection and the now famous Beetle chair, Hay, with the Silhouette sofa, and also Minotti, Dedon and Fontana Arte.