Dessinée par Inga Sempé pour Hay, l’applique Matin offre un design à la fois contemporain et poétique, avec une construction qui allie finesse visuelle et robustesse physique. La tête de la lampe peut être orientée à environ 45 degrés vers le haut ou vers le bas, permettant de créer une lumière d’ambiance ou directe. L’applique Matin se compose d'un cadre en fil d'acier fini en laiton poli et d’un abat-jour en coton plissé disponible en deux diamètres et dans une variété de couleurs vives. La source lumineuse est une LED intégrée, offrant une lumière diffuse. Matin est également équipée d’un variateur digital, permettant d’ajuster la luminosité selon les besoins.
5w led 150lm 2800k
ø 30 x h 25 cm
abat-jour coton et pvc, base acier finition laiton poli, fonte d'acier
Born in Paris, Inga Sempé graduated from Ensci (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle) in 1993. In 2000, she became a resident at the Villa Medicis (Académie de France) in Rome. Inga Sempé started out as a freelance designer, working in the early years with Italian brands such as Cappellini and Edra, before moving on to projects with French, American and Scandinavian companies such as Luce Plan, Moustache (with its famous Vapeur luminaires) and Baccarat. She designs furniture and small everyday objects, and seems to have a particular interest in lighting, with the PO 0202 floor lamp in particular. An exhibition devoted to him was held at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris in 2003.
Hay was founded in 2002 to promote Danish design. Rather than sticking closely to the style of the country's former masters of design, Hay reinvents their work in a more contemporary context. The brand revisits the classical forms of Nordic design in a more contemporary context. Hay boasts user-friendly, aesthetic and functional designs. It draws from three main sources of inspiration: art, architecture and fashion. The producer pays particular attention to its environment and is inspired by contemporary culture.