Produced by Minotti, Blazer is characterised by a happy combination of enchanting form- evident in the rigorous geometry of volumes - and a couture approach to a precise, meticulous custom-made piece. Its distinctive stitching embellishes every surface, giving shape to the elements with even lines, the base covers, cushions, armrests and the back to create a quilted effect indistinguishable from its aesthetic and immediately synonymous with comfort. The rich range available, which includes simple sofas with strong personalities and modular elements, can create customisable arrangements at will with a great variety of pieces and top of the range covers. The Blazer sofa expresses a new language by combining elements of couture with its quilted effect - making a luxury sophisticated and distinctive product in terms of quality - with contemporary beauty created by pure, essential lines. The back with curved inner shapes creates an ultra-comfortable cosy nest, a key element of the design which turns the chaise longues with high backs and armrests into particularly inviting alcoves.
Rodolfo Dordoni is a major figure in Italian design. After graduating in architecture from the Milan Polytechnic in 1979, he set up Dordoni Architects Studio and went on to work with major furniture brands such as Foscarini, Cappellini and Artemide, where he was artistic director, as well as Flos, Moroso, Cassina and, more recently, Coédition. He has also worked closely with Minotti since 1997. Its timeless, modern designs combine aesthetics and comfort. The lines are sober, minimalist and extremely distinctive. The roots of the collaboration between Minotti and Rodolfo Dordoni are long-standing and solid, because the same values are shared by the company and the designer. The designer's inspirations and thoughts come to life, and particular attention is paid to the details, finishes and materials that reveal the unique character of Minotti collections.
Founded in Meda, Italy in 1948 by Alberto Minotti, designer furniture brand Minotti fully represents the legendary "Made in Italy" label, perfectly combining the concepts of tradition and technology. Minotti produces timeless furniture thanks to the know-how of its craftsmen and the creativity of its artists. The quality of Minotti products offers incomparable levels of long-lasting comfort. Minotti embodies the concept of both classic and modern lifestyles within the residential and hospitality sectors. As a result, designer furniture brand Minotti has been a leader in its field for sixty years. Pieces such as the Freeman, Lawrence and Jacques sofas have become legendary thanks to their iconic design and quality.